Tuesday 9 December 2014

All Kang Dong Won Movies

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It was simply by chance that I came across Jeon Woochi, which prompted a movie marathon about all things Kang Dong Won (swoon).  I may be susceptible to being biased for very obvious reasons but there's no denying most of the movies below are major box office hits.

best korean movie Jeon Woo Chi Kang Wong Won, drama withdrawal syndrome

Jeon Woo Chi 2009

Jeon Woo Chi, my favorite Korean movie of all time, is about a Taoist wizard wrongfully imprisoned in a painting and finally released in modern day Korea to help retrieve the magical flute. Sounds outlandish I know but it's this quirkiness wholesomely portrayed by Kang Dong Won that really makes the movie.

best korean movie Jeon Woo Chi Kang Wong Won, drama withdrawal syndrome
Temptation of Wolves 2004
 Watching this left me feeling melancholic.

best korean movie Jeon Woo Chi Kang Wong Won, drama withdrawal syndrome
Too Beautiful to Lie 2004
Reminds me of romantic comedy While You Were Sleeping

best korean movie Jeon Woo Chi Kang Wong Won, drama withdrawal syndrome
Voice of a Murderer 2007
We barely see Kang Dong Won's face but this is a blockbuster movie is about a kidnap for ransom case loosely based on a true story. Watch here.

best korean movie Jeon Woo Chi Kang Wong Won, drama withdrawal syndrome
Secret Reunion 2010

Another favorite of mine that's set in a completely different genre from Jeon Woo Chi. This movie is about a touching story between Song Ji Won, a North Korean spy and Lee Han Gyu, a NIS agent as they forge an unlikely friendship.  Watch here.

best korean movie Jeon Woo Chi Kang Wong Won, drama withdrawal syndrome
Duelist 2005

Despite being a fan of historical movies, Duelist was too theatrical such that the execution of each scene will literally leave you in awe of its aesthetic appeal yet somehow lacking in substance. It's Kang Dong Won though so I ended up liking it just the same. Watch here.

best korean movie Jeon Woo Chi Kang Wong Won, drama withdrawal syndrome
Maundy Thursday 2006
A man on death row who finds hope when he falls in love. Watch here.

best korean movie Jeon Woo Chi Kang Wong Won, drama withdrawal syndrome
Psychic 2010

A movie about a man driven mad by his fearsome ability to control people with his mind and the one man in this world that he cannot control. Simple plot yet quite thrilling to watch Kang Dong Won and Go Soo fight it out till the very end. Watch here.

best korean movie Kundo Age of the Rampant, Kang Wong Won, drama withdrawal syndromebest korean movie Kundo Age of the Rampant, Kang Wong Won, drama withdrawal syndrome

Kundo: Age of the Rampant 2014 

best korean movie My Palpitating Life, Kang Wong Won, drama withdrawal syndrome

My Palpitating Life 2014 

If you know where I can watch the 2014 movies, I will be so grateful T.T Last but not the least, Kang Dong Won was in a short film called the X in 2013. The trailer looks very cool but I don't have much information other than that.

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