Saturday 13 February 2016

The Love Without A Trace

Dong Liya in 2016 historical cdrama The Love Without A Trace

Tong Liya headlines The Love Without A Trace 爱无痕, a Chinese historical drama depicting the chaotic times surrounding the late Tang Dynasty. It seems like another palace drama rife with intrigues, conspiracies, a fight for power and the pre-requisite love triangle.

Only hearing about Tong Liya for the first time but she looks amazing in the stills. The series is expected to premiere some time this year.

For synopsis, cast and ratings, see 2016 popular c-dramas.

Dong Liya in 2016 historical cdrama The Love Without A Trace

Dong Liya in 2016 historical cdrama The Love Without A Trace
Dong Liya in 2016 historical cdrama The Love Without A Trace

Dong Liya in 2016 historical cdrama The Love Without A Trace

Dong Liya in 2016 historical cdrama The Love Without A Trace

Dong Liya in 2016 historical cdrama The Love Without A Trace

Source: Weixinyidu

Friday 12 February 2016

A guide for wuxia newbies

Allow me to start with how I fell into the depths of period drama addiction. Growing up, my dad would relive his younger days of reading wuxia novels by marathoning adaptations of HK serials. As his trusty sidekick, I was amazed by this fascinating world of swordplay and martial arts and my childhood heroes easily became the iconic characters created from Jin Yong's imagination.

Back then, wuxia series were far from mainstream, yet my guilty pleasure grew far and wide, amassing a sizable collection of dramas that have become too many to count. Period dramas can be broadly classified into three categories even though most people usually lump everything historical under wuxia, myself included. 

Daniel Chan, Ariel Lin and Feng Shao Feng in popular cdrama Lan Ling Wang

Wuxia 武俠 is translated literally to martial hero with works of renowned authors Jin Yong and Gu Long almost synonymous to the genre, thereby sprouting an endless continuum of remakes and adaptations.

The genre is particularly appealing to me because it is not as far-fetched as xianxia but rather its characters are often well-versed in the art of fighting because of their practice of 'chi', a word that will surely ring a bell if you like Asian-infused action flicks. 'Chi' or 'qi' means air but it essentially signifies the life force that allows practitioners to perform all sorts of incredible feats, albeit amplified to an exaggerated extent. 
As a result, it is not uncommon to see kung fu manuals, fighting stances and then some inner energy transfer to save a life.

Chivalry is alive and kicking where people choose to live and die in the name of honor but I notice that this thinking is not restricted to wuxia but rather spans across most period dramas because apparently, people from the olden days are better versions of ourselves.

For my first pick, I recommend Lang Ling Wang (2013) 蘭陵王 starring Feng Shao Feng (Ice Fantasy), Ariel Lin, Daniel Chan, George Hu and many more. Lan Ling Wang is a beautifully-packaged romance drama with noticeable modern influences that also incorporates the charms of an wuxia.

Edited Mar. 2, 2016

I know that Lan Ling Wang is not exactly an wuxia in the truest sense and the comments against it are not unfounded, so I'm still in search for a newer better wuxia that could really serve as a nice introduction for anyone attempting the genre.

But for now, it doesn't hurt that the Lan Ling Wang cast is made up of popular c-drama actors and actresses and the story highly addictive so I wasn't surprised that it was widely-exported after its initial release. I apologize in advance though as Lan Ling Wang is not without its hair-pulling moments especially towards the middle of the series. Nevertheless, it makes for a very enjoyable watch and I hope you like it.

Hu Ge and Crystal Liu Yi Fei in ep1 of Chinese Paladin 1

Xianxia 仙俠 is translated literally to immortal hero. It is a newer sub-genre that has been getting a lot of love mainly from younger fans. Since that's where you make the big bucks, production companies tend to make more and more such dramas that are also star-studded to boot.

Xianxia can encompass anything supernatural with the latest trend being adaptations of role-playing video games and the sky's the limit in terms of subject matter that can include monsters, demons, fairies, magical realms, elixirs and what not. If the characters appear to fly in an wuxia, they literally fly in a xianxia.

For my second pick, I recommend Chinese Paladin 1 (2005) 仙劍奇俠傳 starring Hu Ge, Crystal Liu, Ady An and Eddie Peng. It might be a bit older but it is the first of its kind and the best one in my opinion catapulting the up-and-coming newbies from yonder years to international fame. 

Until now, xianxia is not my preferred genre and I can't get over silly pet peeves like the characters being able to video chat via magical portals in a historical drama. However, I understand the innate appeal of an idol-cast so I continue to be hook, line and sinker'ed nonetheless, eagerly awaiting Chinese Paladin 5 like everyone else. 

Hu Ge and Wu Lei in ep 1 of popular cdrama Nirvana in Fire

Last but not the least is a made-up category that is just a catch-all for anything else. Off the top of my head are palace dramas, historical biopics and melodramas to name a few so for my third and final pick, I recommend Nirvana in Fire (2015) 瑯琊榜 starring Hu Ge and Liu Tao. 

I was torn between Scarlet Heart versus Nirvana in Fire despite the two being so different that they shouldn't even be compared. What holds true is that both are extremely successful dramas and even though the former is more mainstream, I ultimately decided to go with Nirvana in Fire because it is too good to miss out.

Nirvana in Fire is a massive 54-episode revenge drama that is a masterpiece of epic proportions so brilliantly written and thought-provoking. Lest I run out of adjectives, I will let the drama speak for itself so please, please check it out. 

Bae Yong Joon in Legend aka Story of the First King's Four Gods (popular kdrama)

It might seem like I'm going off on a tangent but many years ago, my dad decided to buy DVDs to the 2007 k-drama called Story of the First King's Four Gods aka Legend starring Bae Yong Joon and Lee Ji Ah. I won't go needlessly wordy on this but it's safe to say that like a happy kid who found a neighboring candy store, I started venturing into Korean period dramas aka sageuk 史劇 and never looked back. 

Wednesday 10 February 2016

First Episode Recap: Legend of the Qing Qiu Fox

Legend of the Qing Qiu Fox 青丘狐传说 is like the Monster Killer cast reunion sans Wu Xin. Separated into six arcs, the first part is called Ah Xiu starring Sebrina Chen Yao as Hua Yue.

ep 1 of Legend of Qing Qiu Fox 2016 popular cdrama

Episode 1 begins with a Zelda-like sequence of lush greenery and upbeat music as a tribe of nine-tailed foxes sprint across the fields of Qing Qiu. Everyone has gathered for the once-in-500-year harvest and it is said that whoever consumes the sacred fruit can gain immortality. 

ep 1 of Legend of Qing Qiu Fox 2016 popular cdrama
ep 1 of Legend of Qing Qiu Fox 2016 popular cdrama
Suddenly, something or someone takes over Ying Ning's (Xiao Cai Qi in green dress) body compelling her to warn Hua Yue (Chen Yao in red) that they are under attack. As the tribe moves out in defense, a masked woman seizes the opportunity to steal the sacred fruit and a lone Fei Yue (Kiton in purple) runs after the thief to no avail.

Chen Yao and Xiao Cai Qi in ep 1 of Legend of Qing Qiu Fox 2016 popular cdrama
Jiang Jin FU in ep 1 of Legend of Qing Qiu Fox 2016 popular cdrama
Since the attack was just a ruse, Ying Ning and Hua Yue find themselves in a frustrating position of your word against mine while tribe leader Liu Chang Yan (Jiang Jin Fu in middle white) takes the task of finding the real culprit. A hot-headed Hua Yue cannot stand the accusatory eyes staring her down so she leaves her worries behind and heads back to the human world.

Turns out that Hua Yue is extremely popular, living out her dreams of passion and romance and breaking many men's hearts. 

ep 1 of Legend of Qing Qiu Fox 2016 popular cdrama

In comes demon hunter Zhuo Yun gliding down from the sky to capture Hua Yue for all the lives that she has ruined. Seriously thought he was Hu Ge (Nirvana in Fire) at first glance, or at least his silhouette anyway. 

A fight ensues but Hua Yue narrowly escapes after she saves a girl named Ah Xiu. Despite seeing that Hua Yue is a nine-tailed fox, the kind-hearted Ah Xiu returns the favor by giving Hua Yue a place to stay and the two easily become friends.

First Impressions: The weird ears are trending and even upcoming cdrama Ice Fantasy sports the same pointed ears. It's interesting though that the show tries to make a distinction between the nine-tailed foxes when Hua Yue says that she is not a seductive demon nor an immortal fairy but somewhat in between called a fox spirit. 

Sabrina Chen Yao in ep 1 of Legend of Qing Qiu Fox 2016 popular cdrama

Legend of Qing Qiu Fox goes out of its way to create a magical realm that's very pretty to look at but it runs the risk of being just that, a beautiful but empty casing. 

The opening scenes are fairly rudimentary with an all too simple plot causing an entire tribe of powerful beings to leave their sacred tree unguarded at the most critical moment. The fight scene that follows is hard to take seriously as well especially amidst all the fake lanterns and computer generated background. 

While I have my reservations, things gets more interesting towards the second half when the drama plays up the life aspect rather than the wuxia
. Never mind that the concept has been done plenty and the story likely a cliche, yet what I think can make or break this drama would have to be the characters and so far, Hua Yue and Ah Xiu are really turning up the charm such that I want to see what will happen to the two friends once a common love interest comes along. But then again, it could be my heightened euphoria from a Monster Killer reunion that is clouding my judgment.

For synopsis, cast and ratings, see 2016 cdrama listing. 

ep 1 of Legend of Qing Qiu Fox 2016 popular cdrama

Tuesday 9 February 2016

The Legend of Liu Shan Men (2016)

The Legend of Liu Shan Men 六扇门传奇 is a detective wuxia focusing on an investigative bureau in the Ming Dynasty called Liu Shan Men. It follows the likes of The Four and Detective Dee, so if you like crime-solving dramas...

Raymond Lam 林峯 plays Shen Li Xing, a deputy of Liu Shan Men and the son of the head honcho. Dilraba Dilmurat 迪丽热巴 as Su Yi Qing breaks from her typical bright and sunny roles as she portrays a cool calm and highly-skilled martial artist who works for Qi Wang played by Alex Fong 方中信. The series premieres Jun 20 on QQ.

For synopsis, cast and ratings, see 2016 cdrama listings.

Dilireba in Legend of Liu Shan Men

Dilraba Dilmurat in historical cdrama Liu Shang Men

Alex Fong in historical cdrama Liu Shang Men

historical cdrama Liu Shang Men starring Raymond Lam and Dilraba Dilmurat

Raymond Lam in historical cdrama Liu Shang Men

Dilraba Dilmurat in historical cdrama Liu Shang Men
Alex Fong in cdrama Liu Shan Men

Source: 21cn

Monday 8 February 2016

Go Princess Go Episode 7-8 Recap

I'm only just connecting the dots that the censored version on LeTV contains many cut scenes after being flagged for inappropriate content (such a facepalm moment for me since I knew of this from the beginning). 

Good news is that I found the full eng-sub version on Viki and will be recapping those going forward. 

Episode 7

Zhang Tian Ai and Sheng Yi Lun in ep7 of Go Princess Go

Qi Sheng (Sheng Yi Lun) visits Peng Peng (Zhang Tian Ai) to apologize for the way he acted. He tells her that after some investigation, he realized that Yingyue perpetrated the whole incident and was playing victim to cause trouble for Peng Peng. 

Lucky for him, Peng Peng decides to be the bigger man and lets Qi Sheng off easy. I must be too petty because what Qi Sheng did shouldn't be forgiven just like that but the drama always has a no-frills approach to resolving misunderstandings so on to the next scene.

Zhang Tian Ai in ep7 of Go Princess Go

Yang Yan is sent by the 9th Prince (Yu Meng Long) to invite Peng Peng out since he's worried that Peng Peng might still be upset over what happened. Even after Peng Peng politely declines, Yang Yan drugs and kidnaps her anyway.

Peng Peng wakes up in a Western-inspired dining room thinking that she must be back in 2015. Unfortunately she's not because she lays eyes on Yang Yan who carried her all the way to have a date with 9th Prince. 

9th Prince and Peng Peng end up sharing an enjoyable dinner drinking wine and having steak and the ever-gallant 9th Prince completes the evening by taking Peng Peng to see the rooftop view of lanterns stretching out into the horizon. Taken by the spectacular sight, Peng Peng verbalizes that if only there was music for the male and female leads to share a kiss. 

Zhang Tian Ai in ep7 of Go Princess Go

Halfway into her thoughts, Peng Peng in man voice does her monologue thinking that if things got any more romantic, 9th Prince is surely going to lean in for a kiss. Quick to kill the mood, she hurriedly changes the subject and 9th Prince takes the opportunity to confess that the feelings he had for her since they were younger haven't changed.

Once she gets home, Qi Sheng asks Peng Peng what kind of guy she fancies to which Peng Peng in man voice states that he has always been a pretty boy who likes women! 

Nevertheless, she answers Qi Sheng in a roundabout way saying that love transcends gender and if she were to pick a man, she would prefer the approachable romantic (ahem 9th Prince) over one that's cool and aloof (Qi Sheng). Cue sinister music as Qi Sheng eerily stares into the distance. The very next day, Peng Peng receives orders from the King to accompany Qi Sheng in a royal visit to Jiang Bei.

Episode 8

ep8 of Go Princess Go

The guard accompanying Peng Peng turns out to be an assassin but thankfully, Yang Yan was quick to pick up on it so that he and 9th Prince save the day. Liking Yang Yan more and more who's more than just a comic relief because he's useful when he needs to be and effects a cute brotherly-relationship with Peng Peng as opposed to the two male leads who are trying to get with him as a her.

Again, this drama is quite refreshing in the sense that all the characters are practical and street smart. Peng Peng was no fool and she was already plotting her escape once she realized that the guard was purposely leading her astray. Modern people and our paranoid ways, we really can't be too trusting nowadays.

ep8 of Go Princess Go

ep8 of Go Princess Go
Sheng Yi Lun in ep8 of Go Princess Go
The next scene involves Zhao Wang, Yingyue's husband, which we will probably see more now that he has come out as the evil mastermind.

Qi Sheng finally arrives and enters into a a standoff with 9th Prince and Peng Peng who both think that he had orchestrated the assassination attempt. Their confrontation is interrupted by a sudden foray of black-clad men in masks and fire burning everywhere. 

9th Prince saves Peng Peng once again but gets seriously injured in the process while Qi Sheng frantically searches for Peng Peng. Cue sentimental music and flashback to the married couple's moments together. 

Despite liking the drama, I'm not sold on either love story since we all know Peng Peng is a man who likes women and hasn't show any feelings for the male leads so I'm getting confused on whether the flashback was meant to be taken seriously or not. No point overthinking though so I'll keep watching for entertainment sake.

ep 8 kissing scene Jiu Wang and Peng Peng in Go Princess Go

Peng Peng is deeply touched by 9th Prince's sacrifices and after checking that he's not feigning unconsciousness that's so commonly done in dramas, Peng Peng saves him via mouth to mouth resuscitation, without any of that cheesy music accompaniment because it's nothing romantic, just saving a life here.

For Go Princess Go recaps:
Episode 1-2
Episode 3-4
Episode 5-6

Go Princess Go Episode 5-6 Recap

Episode 5

Yingyue and Qi Sheng love affair in Go Princess Go

During their visit home, Zhang Peng Peng (Zhang Tian Ai) learns that Qi Sheng's lover Jiang Yingyue is actually a distant cousin whose position in the Zhang household is far below hers. 

Since they're in Zhang family territory, Qi Sheng (Sheng Yi Lun) reminds Yingyue to be extra careful and to not do anything suspicious. Yingyue agrees but not without voicing her concerns about the growing relationship between Qi Sheng and Zhang Peng Peng, to which Qi Sheng vehemently denies.

scene from ep 5 in Go Princess Go

True enough, Zhang Peng Peng's mother is out to get Yingyue and she is forced to kneel in front of the ancestors as punishment. Being the womanizer that (s)he used to be, Zhang Peng Peng can't stand to see a woman scorned so she pleads alongside Qi Sheng to let Yingyue off the hook.

scene from ep 5 in cdrama Go Princess Go

Everyone clears the room leaving Qi Sheng with Peng Peng's mother and because of Lu Li's conspiracy theories that Peng Peng's mother might poison Qi Sheng, a frantic Peng Peng runs back to the room to save her husband.

Obviously, it was just a false alarm since her mother would never do such a thing. Instead, the mother-daughter have a heart-to-heart talk wherein Peng Peng admits that she just wants a life of leisure separate from Qi Sheng without a care about who he likes or who he is with. Her mother then warns Peng Peng that the palace is a dangerous place and she can only secure her safety by getting pregnant.

scene from ep 5 in cdrama Go Princess Go (Qi Sheng and Zhang Peng Peng)

The realization puts Zhang Peng Peng in an awkward position of having to sleep with a man especially if said man also tells her that he is starting to be notice her.

Episode 6

scene from ep 6 in cdrama Go Princess Go

The next morning, Peng Peng sees a hickey on Qi Sheng's neck and automatically assumes that Qi Sheng spent the night with Yingyue, which pisses him off and gets her kicked out of the carriage. Only after Lu Li tells her does she recall the horrific truth that the person he slept with was none other than herself.

scene from ep 6 in cdrama Go Princess Go

She was initially wallowing in sorrow but there's no time for tears since the soccer event is coming up. Qi Sheng drags Peng Peng for some much-needed soccer practice and quality time between the two. 

soccer match scene from ep 6 Go Princess Go

Unfortunately, the devious Yingyue chooses to make her move at the soccer match by accusing Peng Peng of taking off her clothes. Clearly infuriated, Qi Sheng is unable to control his emotions in a public display of devotion towards Yingyue and he completely ignores Yingyue's husband Zhao Wang.  

scene from ep 6 Go Princess Go

On the other hand, Peng Peng is hurt from all the accusations being hurled her way with only the 9th Prince (Yu Meng Long) willing to stand by her side. She exclaims that there's nothing she hates more than being wronged, which earns a slap on the face from Qi Sheng.

For Go Princess Go recaps:
Episode 1-2
Episode 3-4
Episode 7-8

Go Princess Go (2015)

Go Princess Go starring Zhang Tian Ai

I'm on a roll as far as Go Princess Go 太子妃升职记 is concerned, warranting my third post on the topic in the same day. It is a little web series that is miles apart from all the big budgeted wuxia dramas nowadays but unique in a way that leaves you wanting..

It is based on a novel written by Xian Cheng 鲜橙 that tells a gender bender exploring time travel, body-swap and comedy set in ancient ChinaDue to lack of funds, sets were used repeatedly and the most extravagant expenditures were costumes sewn from curtain linens.

The fact that it's so short is a plus factor making it a fun and quick past time, though I wonder why the version I'm watching on LeTV seems to be missing a lot of scenes (edited: it's because of censorship).

Go Princess Go

The cast is was relatively unknown but the drama has grown a cult following since its broadcast resulting in the stars receiving much love. Its popularity is in large part due to a controversial storyline that can be a little out there for conservative China. 

Nonetheless, bad publicity is good publicity because the public embraced the hilarity and ridiculousness with open arms. If you are watching, be sure to check out the alternate endings.

Zhang Tian Ai 张天爱 headlines as Zhang Peng Peng, a modern man who finds himself waking up in the body of a crown princess. I wonder where they found this gorgeous lady because not only is she pretty but her portrayal of Zhang Peng Peng is charming, witty, funny and easily the best thing in the show.

Go Princess Go

Sheng Yi Lun 盛一伦 is the Crown Prince Qi Sheng who is outwardly cold and arrogant so I have yet to reach the episode where he warms up as a character. He come around though, still keeping the same straight face but he is a man of action rather than words. 

Go Princess Go
Alan Yu Meng Long 于朦胧 stars as 9th Prince, the second lead in the drama and the final leg to the love triangle. 

Alan Yu Menglong Go Princess Go
Jiang Qi Lin as Zhao Wang, the a weak-willed prince whose wife is the object of the Crown Prince's affections but later events reveal that he is a man of wisdom. 

Go Princess Go
Guo Jun Chen as Yang Yan, the son of General Yang. He is a mischievous and playful young man full of ridiculous ideas who easily becomes Peng Peng's friend. He is skilled in martial arts and is loyal in helping the 9th Prince with his quest for power and romance. 

Go Princess Go
Chinese period drama Go Princess Go

Chinese period drama Go Princess Go
Go Princess Go

Go Princess Go

Go Princess Go

Go Princess Go

Go Princess Go

Go Princess Go
Go Princess Go

Go Princess Go
Source: 1234567g, Baidu

The Love Without A Trace

Tong Liya headlines The Love Without A Trace  爱无痕, a Chinese historical drama depicting the chaotic times surrounding the late Tang Dynasty...